
Birth Chart Analysis

Your Janma Kundli or Birth Chart depicts the planetary positions at the time and from the place of your birth. These positions give an insight into how your life could be destined differently from the way you think it could be. As part of the Janma Kundli analysis, we would prepare your birth charts and divisional charts, predict the outcomes based on the said planetary positions and also give a detailed report for future reference

Birth Chart Analysis

Your Janma Kundli or Birth Chart depicts the planetary positions at the time and from the place of your birth. These positions give an insight into how your life could be destined differently from the way you think it could be. As part of the Janma Kundli analysis, we would prepare your birth charts and divisional charts, predict the outcomes based on the said planetary positions and also give a detailed report for future reference

Marriage Matchmaking

What are the factors influencing one's marriage? Is my marriage compatible? How would my marriage life be? Will I be happy after marriage? If you have these questions popping up in your mind, a matchmaking report by our experts along with a personalised consultation can help you deal with marriage -related anxieties

Remedial Astrology

Be it career or education, marriage or children, everyone faces hurdles in their day -to-day lives. With remedial astrology, we can give pinpoint advice on a particular area of your life and help you with simple remedial measures that you can do to progress in those areas

Price Plans

All-Inclusive Prices with a Refund Promise*

Birth Chart Analysis

Chart Preparation (D1)
Chart & planetary position-based predictions
Dasha-based Predictions
Manual report, no auto-generation
Up to 2 follow-up questions in a virtual meeting

Marriage Matchmaking

Ashtakoota Guna Milaan & Match Score
Interpretations based on the score
Astrological Blemishes & Dosha-cancellations
Manual report, no auto-generation
Up to 5 follow-up questions in a virtual meeting

Remedial Astrology

Includes “Birth Chart Reading” plan and the relevant reports
General planetary remedies for health, wealth, career, education, or other areas on demand
Manual report, no auto-generation
Up to 5 follow-up questions in a virtual meeting
Best Value

Birth Chart Analysis


From ₹3001
  • Chart Preparation (D1)
  • Chart & planetary position-based predictions
  • Dasha-based Predictions
  • Manual report, no auto-generation
  • Up to 2 follow-up questions in a virtual meeting

Marriage Matchmaking


From ₹2401
  • Ashtakoota Guna Milaan & Match Score
  • Interpretations based on the score
  • Astrological Blemishes & Dosha-cancellations
  • Manual report, no auto-generation
  • Up to 5 follow-up questions in a virtual meeting

Remedial Astrology


consultation & Pricing Terms and Conditions
  1. The applicable fee (Dakshina) is to be paid post-consultation via online mode only as communicated during/prior to the consultation. No cash payments are accepted. The quoted fee for each package is non-negotiable, and non-transferrable
  2. Please furnish exact birth details prior to counselling. Any mistakes arising out of any incorrect details furnished earlier shall be the responsibility of the requestor/native. The average time taken from scheduling a consultation to the final closure is about 14 business days. No refunds shall be issued in case the details furnished by the native are later deemed as incorrect
  3. All the virtual meetings shall be conducted via MS Teams, the participants/requestors/natives are expected to join the meetings on time to ensure a satisfactory conclusion
  4. In case any of the plans listed above don’t fulfill your requirements, you may request for a custom plan by filling in the inquiry form here
  5. The astrologer/consultant concerned will not be liable in case of any wrongful remedies done by the native or any current remedies which are being done without informing the consultant. All the remedies/corrective measures mentioned in any of the reports are indicative, not exhaustive and do not guarantee any respite/redressal from current/future problems. Astrological remedies have naturally been observed to be time-consuming and strictly conditional
  6. Performing remedies are at the sole discretion of the native/requestor
  7. All the calculations, charts, predictions, and reports are manually prepared after in-depth analysis; we do not use any software/automation to arrive at any conclusions nor do we intend to. The reports are typed into a word document manually and then shared as a PDF with the native/requestor based on the selected plan. All the reports include the basics like the birth chart, longitudes, planetary aspect details, etc. along with the specifics as applicable on a case-to-case basis
  8. By booking an appointment, you summarily agree to the terms and conditions presented here and that all the present and future risks/liabilities rest with YOU as the requestor
  9. All fees are accepted only in Indian Rupees (INR)

* Refunds can be issued up to 100% of the paid amount in case the consultation is found unsatisfactory – at the sole discretion of the consultant and on the basis of the type of service availed.

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